Landscape Park Freiham, Munich

The district of Freiham, to the west of Munich, is being developed for approximately 20,000 residents. The Freiham landscape park will take over the supply of open space for the adjacent urban districts and, at a higher level, will also serve the purposes of local recreation.

The linear topographical form of the noise protection wall along the A99 is supplemented on the easterly side and interlocked with the landscape park. Three independent identities are differentiated between in the park. A continuous meadow space forms the centre of the park with versatile use. Differentiated in its topography and substrate, the meadow offers a multitude of specific subspaces and qualities (Wiesental).

A grazing forest with a semi-open character invites visitors to discover and linger. Based on the existing field copses, further denser wood islands are planned in the park (as a forest park).

As a continuation of the tree filter arrangement planned in the framework plan at the edge of the quarter, a gardening grove is intended along and at the level of the buildings at the park. The grove integrates the desired urban planning and additional open space functions and is an active link between the township and the park (Stadtrandgärten).