Reininghauspark, Graz/Austria

The industrial history of the Reininghaus area of Graz as well as the traces found from different layers of time become the point of departure for a future-oriented and identity-contributing park in the heart of the new city quarter. Based on the observations, three independent atmospheres and qualities are differentiated between. The former sports field becomes a freely playable central park field in the heart of the urban district. The turquoise ice ponds of the brewery are interpreted as a shallow water feature, thus forming a lively and playful element in the park. The forgotten landscape, derived from the spontaneous greenery of the fallow land, forms a loosely lined meadow clearing, an introverted and slightly rough park space. A generously robust park frame forms a backdrop for and opens up the new Reininghaus Park. The areas are provided with the largest possible layout by deliberately avoiding further paths in the park. On the north side of the park, the frame expands to become a tree-covered terrace exposed on its south-westerly side. A wide view over the busy park meadow towards the silhouette of the city will, in the future, transform this into an urban place within the park.