Volme Park, Kierspe

Kierspe, as a town in the western Sauerland region, has to master difficult tasks for the future due to the demise of industry, which has characterised the town for centuries, and the ongoing demographic change. The Volmepark, located on a future redeveloped contaminated site, is intended to interact with the renaturalised Volme to create a nature-related and public open space for the socially deprived district of Kierspe-Bahnhof.

The park is understood and designed as a section of the surrounding valley of the Volme.The urban influence and the location of the site generate an independent interpretation of this landscape.The course of the river, renaturalised in its old bed, is strengthened in terms of its experience from the topography of the park.On both sides of the Volme, the topography is remodelled and the river is thus staged.The presence of the road and railway at the edges of the park is reduced.An exposed grandstand with freely distributed seating steps on the slope is integrated into the modelling.An activity area that can be used in a variety of ways brings together activities for all generations and offers direct access to the shore. The southern slope forms a quiet and extensive counterpart - almost like the open, surrounding landscape.

Link to the project page.