Luchtenberg-Richartz-Park, Burscheid

An essential quality of the Richartz-Luchtenberg Park in Burscheid is its valuable tree population, which will be supplemented in future by individual new plantings and a differentiated shrub layer.  The characteristic tree frame allows the open meadow clearing to stand out as a pleasant and scaled contrasting space. Visual references and paths naturally link the park and the neighbouring Haus der Kulturen. The south-west-facing park terrace and the seating steps in front of it, inserted with topographical precision, offer a high quality of stay at the edge of the meadow staged as a freely playable stage. Starting from the existing network of paths, a walking circuit is incorporated into the partly steep meadow slope. A small mountain moss garden forms a bright green accent on the forecourt of the newly built House of Cultures. The remodelling within the framework will turn the fragmented and ageing existing area into a park again, a place of shared urban and park life in and for Burscheid.