Garden show, Schweinfurt

Observations and initial analyses paint a picture of a place between times. Intensive use, upheaval, urban waste, potential and new opportunities. Irritating emptiness and vastness, what remains is a clearly pronounced relief with few physical relics. A mostly loose, partly dense frame of existing and new tree populations of varying depth borders the future Bürgerpark. A light grove surrounds the former tank hall as a “cultural island in the park”. The pathways between the square Marie-Curie-Platz and the northern part of the city as well as the “historic” east-west connection will be routed through the park as loosely tree-lined promenades, providing a high-quality space to stay and linger with the best views. A circular path fitted into the terrain serves as a link along the contour of the park border. Walking it reveals the interplay of openness, shade and wide views across the subtle, sometimes distinct topography. Generously designed entrances, which are easy to find, invite visitors to the park and contribute to intuitive orientation and integration. A variety of active and contemplative uses will be tailored to fit the context of the park.