Garden Show Eppingen

For the town of Eppingen, the garden show offers the opportunity to significantly improve and connect the open space and recreational structures. The centuries-old interaction between the town and the two rivers Elsenz and Hilsbach is the starting point for the design. The historical, present and future lines of the Eppingen watercourses accompany the stone contours of the town and form the identity-forming ‘characters’ of the new open spaces. All interventions aim to create a high-quality experience of the watercourses and their future renaturalised banks. In the Bahnhofswiesen area, the movement towards the city is given an appropriate prelude with a spacious city terrace with an unobstructed view of the impressive roofscape of the old town. The Bachwegle area on the Elsenz is characterised by its small-scale horticultural use and its proximity to the city wall. Two public riverside meadows create an exciting sequence of spaces between the stone city wall, lush gardens and the natural riverbank.