
Development Stellingen, Hamburg

In the Hamburg district of Eimsbüttel, a mixed quarter with a wide range of residential possibilities is to be built on the busy Sportplatzring. The area has different spaces and qualities. Striking features are the prized tree population in the north, the open centre of the former sports fields and the noisy and busy road to the south. In order to respond appropriately to these aspects, a division into three urban fields with a specific interpretation of the site and a morphology derived from this is proposed.

A dense and yet publicly permeable building development on the road creates the typical ambience of the quarter and also acts as a modified buffer against traffic noise. A green garden quarter with free constructions of building rows on the former sports fields adopts a central location. In the northern part of the area characterised by a dense tree population, a neighbourhood around three communal courtyards is developed. A central district park forms a generous open space that connects the three neighbourhoods in a north-south direction. The new district house, which enriches public life in the neighbourhood as a powerful architectural unit, forms the conclusion of the park located on the Sportplatzring.