Rudolphsplatz, Marburg

Rudolphsplatz, located directly on the River Lahn, forms the eastern entrance to Marburg. It was fundamentally remodelled in the 1960s in the spirit of the car-friendly city. As part of the urban planning competition, possibilities for a development on the square and new access points to the Lahn floodplain are to be identified.
The planned new library building symbolically marks the entrance to the city at Weidenhäuser Brücke and strengthens the connection between the two neighbourhoods. At the same time, a buffer to the traffic area will be formed, creating a new quality of life on the waterfront. A sequence of different atmospheres will be created along the banks of the Lahn: In the south, a new riverside square with spacious steps and a Lahn bridge, in the area around the library an extensive riverside meadow and north of the Weidenhäuser bridge a shady square with a seasonal café. These interventions will integrate the area around the Weidenhäuser Bridge and the banks of the Lahn into the urban space.